Where are you located and how far will you travel for a session?

My studio is located in SI, New York. There is really no limit as to how far I will travel. If traveling outside of the Staten Island area is required a travel fee would apply based on the location. 

Do you edit all your photos?

Yes, every photo is edited and enhanced one at a time.

Do you offer gift certificates?


Can I order professional prints/products through you?

Yes, absolutely and I highly recommend you do. I work with premier professional printing labs with high quality prints/products. If you choose not to order through me, I do provide a print release for you to have your prints printed elsewhere but I am not responsible for the low quality/discolored prints. There are very distinct differences when printing from a professional photo lab vs a less qualified lab such as the coloring, quality, exposure, focus.

Do you offer videography?
I do not. however, I can put you in touch with a very talented videographer.
When should I book you for maternity?
Your seventh or beginning of your eighth month is best. After that time frame you might feel too uncomfortable dealing with swelling, aches and pains and might not want to have your photo taken. Everyone carries differently but make sure you do not wait too long.
When should I book newborn photos?
The sooner the better. Two-three months in advance would be best. If you have waited until the last minute that is ok too.
My baby is 3/4/5/6 weeks old, is it too late to still do newborn photos?
Of course not! We might not be able to get the full sleepy poses as your baby might be awake for some, most or all of the session. I will prepare accordingly but we can still use newborn props and capture such a beautiful milestone you can treasure forever.
What should I bring to my first session?
If you have young kids, bring snacks and their favorite toy.